
In The Meantime...

For any of you who check in on this site every now and again (I haven't actually checked to see if anyone has been to this little blog, let alone, returned) I'll put more photos up soon enough. There are regulations about putting photos up on personal blogs when you are an accredited member of the media, and I need to look into the rules further.

As for now, life has been fun - it's been pretty hectic, but we get to carry a lot of big glass (Nikon 600mm f/4; Canon 800mm f/5.6) which has been really fun to shoot with. I havent shot sports in about a year, and its been a relief to see Im not a total failure. 

In the meantime, check out these sites, its been cool getting to rub shoulders with/ see these guys work:

Bill Frakes.com
Doug Mills (NYT shooter, no website)
Jamie Squire.com

(there are 1000+ others, but those are the names that come off the top of my head...)

Oh, and also check out the work the Newsweek shooters ( who Im assisting ) are putting out at...


1 comment:

Steph said...

what the F?! Who cares if you're only getting 4 hours of sleep a night! Post some photos!