ASA: 1000, Shutter speed: 1/1000, Aperture: f/3.2
This blogging thing is addicting - when you know you have an audience (even if its only my Mom and friend dave (read: sarcasm)), you want to keep them updated. Anyway, I'm also realizing how hard it will be to tell all the stories and publish all the photos I want - even with the pressures of an audience, it's a time consuming thing to do, and it's hard to remember all the details of crazy nights and photo-filled days.
Anyway, I was going to go to bed, I have to get up in about 3 hours, but Dave and I were talking and when I tried to get offline to go to bed, he held me to posting - this one is for him.
Hey kiddo! I cannot beLIEVE how talented you are! You are seriously getting better with every single shot! I hope I'll still be able to afford you some day...
Hey buddy
I like this hurdling shot.
Congrats, a unique frame from the Olympics!
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