
Left Over Glass, Entry 2

Canon EOS Ds Mark III, 45mm Tilt Shift
ASA 1250, Shutter: 1/400, Aperture: Approx f/2.8
We've shot gymnastics 4 or 5 days now, and while Ive made some images I'm really proud of (Im sure I'll post them soon enough), they all feel very stock-ish (as in, a stock photo that you see in the newspapers). I wanted to get away from that, and focus on the athletics, prior to the action, prior to the celebration or defeat. I think it's a nice moment. For this, I once again used one of the tilt shifts and shot over the wall, looking down on the french gymnast team as they trained for the vault. I like it, the tilt shifts are really fun to play with and challenge you in many ways a normal lens doesn't.

1 comment:

David LaChasse said...

That's insane dude, it has like multiple different spots in the frame that are in focus. Looking forward to seeing more photos man. Been bragging to people that I know a photographer at the Olympics, so I'm pretty much a celebrity now.